Whitetail Deer

Welcome to the Golden Triangle! The place where legends are born. South Texas is well known for large whitetail bucks, as well as its high population of deer. Many hunters will see more deer in one day than they see in an entire season in other parts of the country.
At Casa Monte Lodge, you will experience brush country whitetail hunting at its best. Our guides and staff will ensure you have a great hunt.
2024 Pricing*
All prices are per person and include lodging, meals, guide, and game care (unless otherwise noted).
Please note that our hunts are not guaranteed. Albeit we have an extremely high success rate,
weather and animal movement are beyond our control. Deposits are non-refundable, regardless of success.
Management Hunts
Hunts are 4 days / 3 nights and include one mature buck. A non-refundable deposit of $3,000 is required to book hunt. Balance, if any, will be due prior to departure.
Up to 129 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $3,000
130" - 139 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $4,000
140" - 149 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $5,000
Trophy Hunts
Hunts are 4 days / 3 nights and include one mature buck. A non-refundable deposit of $5000 is required to book hunt. Balance will be due prior to departure. It is requested that you ​specify target class or maximum class at the time of booking. Upgrades may not be available upon arrival or during your hunt.
150" - 159 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $7,500
160" - 169 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $9,000
170" - 179 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $10,000
180" - 189 7/9" B&C Gross Score - $11,500
190" - 199 7/8" B&C Gross Score - $12,500
200" B&C Gross Score and over - $13,500 + $200 per inch over 200"
Example - A buck scoring 208" will cost $13,500 plus $1600 (8 x $200) for a total of $15,100.​
Doe Hunts (subject to availability)
Hunts are 3 days / 2 nights. A non-refundable deposit of $1000 is required to book hunt.​ Balance will be due prior to departure.
2 does - $1,500​
Youth Hunts (15 years old or younger)
Hunts are 3 days / 2 nights and include the guest fee for parent or guardian. A non-refundable deposit of $2500 is required to book youth management hunt.​ Balance will be due prior to departure.
$500 off any Management Hunt listed above.
A non-refundable deposit of $1000 required to book remaining youth hunts.​ Balance will be due prior to departure.
Mature 8-point buck - Guide's Choice - $2,000
Doe Hunt (2 does) - subject to availability - $1,250
*Note - All prices subject to change.